Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hello, all in the blogging world. I never thought that I would actually create one of these for several reasons. Ranging from the fact that I do not lead a super exciting life to I really cannot handle a potential stalker right now. But for some reason I guess I decided to take the plunge.

So here we go...
So as the title reveals, yes I am a nurse. I've been a nurse for about 9 months. (OK, can I just say that, that scares me!!!) That means that I have nearly been a nurse as along as it takes for a child to develop in the womb. That's a long time. However I still feel that same way I felt my first day I was ALL by myself. You mean I am responsible for these 3 to 8 people on a today? I have to answer their questions? Make sure they are comfortable. Control their pain. See them in their most vulnerable moments. All with a smile on my face. Some days it goes great and I really feel like I am making a difference in someone's life. Others, however make me question deep down if this is really what I am called today. Which ultimately results in my trademark line that my co-workers hear all the time. "I'm never, ever coming back here. I"m done, finished." But every week I always come back for the next shift for some strange reason. Maybe writing this blog will help me figure it out.

Anyways, I do not really know exactly what I will write in here, or how often I will write. But I do know, I have some pretty interesting/funny/down-right-weird/heartbreaking stories to tell from my 22 years of life. So I hope that everyone out in the blogging world will enjoy them.
Wanna know a little about me? I'm 22, a nurse, daughter, sister, neice, friend, lover of sleep, college graduate, and most importantly a child of God. I love croutons and can eat a whole box at once, so I have to be careful at certain times. The same goes for Starburst jelly beans. I am an avid fan of college basketball. GO DUKE men and GO UCONN women. (For the record, March is the second happiest time of year compared to Christmas. I am in love w/ my new "perfect brownie pan maker." I am probably one of the messiest people you will every met. I love candles especially fruity ones. That's all you get for now.

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